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Potencia tu equipo de desarrollo de software con una combinación de talentos internos y externos
Somos una empresa de desarrollo de software con acceso a
talentos de primer nivel de Latinoamérica


Team Augmentation
Ayudamos a las empresas a reducir costos y aumentar la productividad en el desarrollo de software aprovechando eficientemente una combinación de talentos internos y externos.
symbols in a line of code, software development

Complementa la experiencia interna con especialistas externos, fomentando un conjunto diversificado de habilidades dentro de tu equipo de desarrollo.

Mejora de Competencias

Ajusta el tamaño y la composición del equipo de desarrollo según las fases del proyecto, asegurando una óptima rentabilidad y utilización de recursos.

Flexibilidad y Ecalabilidad

Minimiza los costos operativos asociados con contrataciones permanentes.

Eficiencia de Costos

Adáptate rápidamente a los cambiantes requisitos del proyecto, tecnologías o demandas del mercado mediante la integración de expertos con las habilidades necesarias.

Rápida Adaptación

Facilita el intercambio de conocimientos entre los miembros del equipo interno y externo, promoviendo un entorno de aprendizaje colaborativo.

Tranferencia de Conocimiento

Accede a habilidades especializadas y experiencia relevantes para las demandas únicas de un proyecto en particular, sin necesidad de extensa formación interna.

Pericia Específica

Ya sea que uno de nuestros desarrolladores se incorpore para mejorar la capacidad de tus equipos internos o expandir sus habilidades, tu empresa obtiene acceso a los mejores talentos por una fracción del costo laboral de un recurso local igualmente calificado.



Con solo 30 días de preaviso, sin costo por rescisión y sin las complicaciones típicas de las contrataciones internas, no hay ningún ataduras si necesitás reducir el equipo.



Con una amplia y diversa red de talentos, te ofrecemos la flexibilidad de escalar tu equipo con las habilidades que necesitas, ya sea para expandir tus capacidades o cumplir con plazos ajustados.



Las zonas horarias de América Latina complementan las horas de trabajo europeas con buena superposición, facilitando colaboración en linea, y acortando los tiempos de entrega.

Reunir un equipo excepcional de desarrollo de software requiere una inversión significativa de tiempo y dinero. Con GENIADEV, tu empresa puede mejorar la capacidad de tus equipos internos o expandir sus habilidades accediendo a talentos de primera línea por una fracción del costo laboral de un recurso interno igualmente calificado.


Nuestros talentos se integrarán a tu equipo de desarrollo como si fueran contrataciones internas, pero sin los costos y condicionantes adicionales asociados a una contratación interna.
  • Latin America has a growing and increasingly competitive tech industry with highly skilled developers. Many Latin American countries, such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia, have vibrant technological ecosystems and a growing number of talented professionals.

    But we don't rely solely on the high quality prevailing in the environment from which we acquire our resources. Our meticulous selection process includes evaluating problem-solving skills, depth of professional experience, oral and written communication skills, and levels of creativity of the resources we hire.

    Our developers hold a university degree in computer science from the most prestigious universities in Latin America, with experience working on a wide range of international projects and a fluent command of spoken and written English.

  • Our business model is founded on nurturing a long term relationship with our clients and, more fundamentally, with our developers.

    We work tirelessly on the acquisition and retention of top talents, providing them with a diverse range of opportunities, the best terms and conditions and, an exceptional working environment.

  • In a matter of weeks from receiving your requirements, we will present you with a curated selection of candidates for your company to evaluate at NO COST. The only string attached is that you allocate the resources to evaluate and interview the candidates we present.

    • No recruitment fees,

    • No recruiter salaries,

    • No other costs associated with identifying and attracting potential candidates.

  • With the same flexibility that you can scale up your teams, you can scale them down without the hassle and paperwork typically associated with internal hires. 

  • While a typical recruitment process (in-house or outsourced) may take months, our access to a unique pool of talents allows us to shorten this process to weeks (depending on the skillset of your requirement)

  • ... reduce the impact of software development on your OpEx without compromising on quality of human resources and outcome.


    Assembling an exceptional software development team demands significant time and financial investments. Whether one of our developers is brought on board to enhance your in-house teams' capacity or expand their capabilities, your company gains access to top talents for a fraction of the employment cost of a local, equally qualified resource. 

Reunir un equipo excepcional de desarrollo de software requiere una inversión significativa de tiempo y dinero. Con GENIADEV, tu empresa puede mejorar la capacidad de tus equipos internos o expandir sus habilidades accediendo a talentos de primera línea por una fracción del costo laboral de un recurso interno igualmente calificado.


¿Tienes más preguntas? 
Contáctanos, estaremos encantados de ayudarte.


Encuentra la respuesta a tus consultas más comunes a continuación o contáctanos si necesitas ayuda adicional. ¡Estaremos encantados de ayudarte!
  • No, there are no recruitment fees and no hidden costs associated with identifying and attracting potential candidates.

    We present you with a curated selection of candidates tailored to your requirements for your company to evaluate at no cost. The only string attached is that you allocate the resources to evaluate and interview the candidates we present.​

  • No, there is no termination fee. With the same flexibility that you can scale up your teams, you can scale them down without the hassle and paperwork typically associated with internal hires.

    Only 30-days notice will terminate the contract and the engagement with our developers.

  • Our developers hold a university degree in computer science from the most prestigious universities in Latin America, with experience working on a wide range of international projects and a fluent command of spoken and written English. Plus, we will provide a list of independent references for you to contact and inquiry about each individual developer, like you would do for any of your in-house hires. 

  • Latin America has a growing and increasingly competitive tech industry with highly skilled developers. Many Latin American countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico have vibrant technological ecosystems and a growing number of talented professionals.

  • No, Genia Software Developers LLC is the employer and your company celebrates a service agreement with Genia Software Developers LLC for a full time allocation of a selected developer or group of developers.

  • After the first 30 days, you can terminate the agreement at any time with 30-days notice. So, technically, the minimum duration is 60 days. 

  • No, we can't celebrate hourly contracts. Celebrating an hourly contract would leave room for underutilisation of the developer's time.

  • No, you won't share our developers with other clients. Our developers are allocated to work full time on your project and only on your project, just like an in-house hire.

  • Yes, like an in-house hire, our developers will work full time on your project. By full time we mean 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and an annual average of 4.3 weeks a month. 

  • Yes. The developers will follow the annual leave and bank holiday schedule of their country of residence. In most countries in Latin America, the standard annual leave period is 10 working days (2 weeks) and we will share with you the official annual bank holiday schedule in the country of residence for each one of our developers you engage with. 

    The developer will have to communicate and agree in writing with her/his line manager within your company when she/he intends to take annual leave.

  • Yes. We want our developers to be and feel part of your team, just like an in-house hire. Any bonus or economic incentive you offer to your team will be passed entirely to the developer. Genia Software Developers LLC will not take any commission or fee on the bonus or incentive the developers earn.

  • Genia Software Developers LLC won't remove any developer allocated to your projects for the duration of the agreement. However, like in an in-house hire, the retention of the developer comes down to the incentives and motivations associated with the project and the work environment.

  • JavaScript (JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue)
    Angular (Angular, Angular JS, RxJS, NgRX)
    React (React, JavaScript, Next.JS, Redux)
    Vue (Vue.JS, Next.JS, Vuex)

  • .Net (.Net, C#, .Net Core, ASP.Net Core, REST)

    Java (Java, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Maven)

    PHP (PHP, Laravel, Symfony, Composer)

    Python (Python, Django, Flask, REST)

    Node.JS (Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, JWT, Oauth)

    Ruby on Rails (Ruby, Rspec, JavaScript)

    C/C++ (C++, C, Multithreading, Python)

  • IOS (Swift, SwiftUI, Objective-C, RxSwift, Xcode)

    Android (Android, Android Studio, Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter)

  • AWS (EC2, S3, ECS, RDS)
    Azure (Azure, Azure Data Late, Azure SaaS, Azure SQL databse, Azure Storage)
    Google Cloud (Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Cloud Run)

  • MS SQL Server (SQL, T-SQL, STP, SSIS, IIS)

    Oracle (Oracle, PL/SQL, EBS, STP, ETL)

    MySQL (MySQL, STP, Linux, ETL)

    NoSQL (NoSQL, Apache, Redis, Neo4j, MarLogic)

    DB2 (DB2, DB2 performance monitor, STP, Fileaid DB2)

    PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL, STP, ETL, Data Modeling)

Nuestro tech stack
backend developer behind some lines of code, software development

Muchos de nuestros clientes han estado con nosotros por años, testimonio de su satisfacción


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